Bone Density Test in Jackson & Flowood MS

Advanced Bone Health Screening in East Lakeland

East Lakeland OB-GYN is a leading obstetric and gynecologic care provider in Jackson and Flowood, MS, and is proud to offer bone health screenings for their patients. With the latest advances in technology and modern diagnostic techniques, we provide comprehensive bone health assessments for women at all stages of life. All screenings are conducted by our experienced and knowledgeable specialists who understand each of our patient’s needs.

Bone health screenings allow for early detection of any underlying conditions that could cause complications. These screenings are especially beneficial for postmenopausal women as they can help identify onset fractures from osteoporosis before they become symptomatic or result in a fracture. Our qualified healthcare professional will evaluate your medical history, current medications, lifestyle choices, diet, exercise regimen, and risk factors associated with osteoporosis during a bone health screening.

We can recommend lifestyle changes to help you maintain or improve your bone health. Additionally, we may suggest additional testing such as DXA scans or laboratory tests that can measure an individual’s calcium and vitamin D levels – two essential elements for strong bones. East Lakeland OB/GYN prides itself on providing top-notch care to its patients and strives to ensure every woman has access to the best resources available to maintain bone health.

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Why Your Bone Health Matters

As a result of Menopause and other family history conditions, women are subject to the deterioration or wearing away of bone density and strength. Your bone health is essential to us and you too. As people age, bone mass is lost faster than it’s created.

Some risk factors for osteoporosis are out of your control, including:

  • Your sex. Women are much more likely to develop osteoporosis than men.


  • Age. The older you get, the greater your risk of osteoporosis.


  • Race. You’re at the most significant risk of osteoporosis if you’re white or of Asian descent.


  • Family history. Having a parent or sibling with osteoporosis puts you at greater risk, especially if your mother or father experienced a hip fracture.


  • Body frame size. Men and women with small body frames tend to have a higher risk because they may have less bone mass to draw from as they age.

Our Bone Density Screening is offered for women at risk for Osteoporosis and can be scheduled to be done in the office. We measure your bone density with a machine that uses low levels of X-rays to determine the proportion of minerals in your bones. During this painless test, you lie on a table as a scanner passes over your body. In most cases, only a few bones are checked — usually in the hip, wrist, and spine.


Benefits Of Getting Your Bone Health Screened.

It’s never too early to start thinking about ways to maintain your bones’ strength, structure, and density. Here are some key benefits of getting bone health screenings with East Lakeland. 

  • Early Detection of Bone Issues: Early detection is one of the key benefits of getting a bone health screening. Our team of specialists will use digital imaging technology to take detailed pictures of your bones and look for any signs of irregularities or changes in structure that could indicate an underlying problem. This allows us to diagnose potential issues quickly and start providing treatment immediately. 

  • Track Bone Health Changes Over Time: Regular screenings allow us to track changes in your bone health over time, allowing us to make modifications in your diet and lifestyle that can improve your overall well-being. 

  • Lower Risk For Injury: With regular screenings, we can better identify areas of weak bones or areas at greater risk for injury, taking proactive steps to ensure protection from accidents or falls later on. 

  • Access To Resources And Support: Along with a more detailed understanding of your current bone health status, we conduct screenings to help provide access to resources and support systems that can help you learn how to optimize your diet and lifestyle for improved bone strength and wellness.  

Taking control of your bone health today will give you peace of mind knowing you’re taking steps toward a healthier future. A simple yet comprehensive bone health screening is a great place to start on the journey toward better skeletal wellness. Don’t wait; get a comprehensive bone health screening today!

Contact Us Today!

Come to East Lakeland OB/GYN for your Bone Health Screening today! As experienced OB/GYNs in the Jackson, Flowood area, we are here to provide you with top-notch medical care that focuses on your overall health and well-being. Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped with the latest medical technology, and our friendly staff is ready to answer any questions.

We understand that bone health should be a priority, so we offer comprehensive screenings, including X-rays, ultrasounds, and blood tests. These services can help detect conditions such as osteoporosis early on so that treatment can begin immediately. Don’t wait – come to East Lakeland OB/GYN for your Bone Health Screening today!


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